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Occupations by Trade Colour Code Map 17

Andy Yarwood

I have finally finished the first map of my project to colour-code the 1880-1890 maps of Birmingham based on my analysis of the 1881 census records for households in Birmingham North. The number of occupations attributed to each person working ran into many thousands, which I categorised into 11 main Trades.

Each trade I created a table and gave the cell a colour. A percentage block was calculated based on the number of trades to each person working in any given street. The extensive categorisation allowed me to create insightful, colour-coded maps highlighting the significance of the eleven trades in any specific area.

You can now explore the data, filtered by streets, trades, or both. Or see which trades by percentage are the most extensive overall or again by street, on a dedicated page of my website.

Although this is the first map and completing the remaining 25 may take over a year, I think it will be quite fun to see the map evolve and to find out which streets have what trades as their most significant.

Link to Occupations by trade Page here


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