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54 Barr St
adults in house *includes lodgers:
total in household
Poverty Line Rating
Benton Harriett, Age - 50, Head Widow, Occupation & estimated weekly wage - No Occupation 0
Benton John, Age - 26, Son , Occupation & estimated weekly wage - Electro Plate Worker (Electro Plater) Plater (Wh Metal) 33
Benton Thomas, Age - 33, Son , Occupation & estimated weekly wage - Jeweller 15.14
Egerton Mary E., Age - 19, Daughter Married, Occupation & estimated weekly wage - No Occupation 0
Benton Geo. E., Age - 14, Son , Occupation & estimated weekly wage - Jeweller 5.60
Benton Sarah, Age - 11, Daughter , Occupation & estimated weekly wage - Scholar 0
Egerton Frederick J., Age - 0, Grandson , Occupation & estimated weekly wage - 0
Poverty Bar Grading
hover to reveal

A = comfortable. Standard meal) with surplus of 31s+ shillings 5
B = moderate. Standard meal with surplus of 21s to 31s
C = poor. Standard meal with surplus of 11s to 21s
D = very poor. Standard meal with surplus of 5s to 11s
E = poverty. Workhouse diet with surplus is a minus OR Standard meal of surplus 1s to 5s
Having a larger family does increase the family income budget and increase surplus and go towards raising the poverty grading. However living conditions would be extremelly cramped.
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