The following virtual video is an impression of Little Shadwell Street, Shadwell Street & Bath Street in the 1880s. It ends with a look inside a typical back-to-back and its incredible to think that ten and upwards would all sleep in this one room
The video is not as poverty stricken looking as would have been the case ie broken pavements and the buildings a bit more dilapidated etc. It is very difficult to be able to replicate exactly how the streets would have looked at that time but I think the end result shows a fair representation of how it may have looked.
To see the video click here or on the image
To see individual images click on the picture below or click here
The creation of the video was very time consuming and did take many hours to complete. It took four main stages to draw, build, construct each object for each scene.
To explain how I created the video, would take a very long time but I have given a brief explanation for each stage, to give a flavour of the work entailed. If anybody would like further insights into its creation, please contact me.
I used the 1889 town maps for Little Shadwell Street, Shadwell Street and Bath Street. Measurements and dimensions were taken from 'Blackest Birmingham' by LS Florence. on page 34 there is a detailed drawing showing the room size for a typical back-to-back of 12ft to 14ft by 11ft. Together with the map I was able to scale the building and a give a rough dimensions of the streets and buildings
To create and replicate each building or houses, I used a lot of photos.
Draw build and create each building, person or object
In order to create a building, it would need to be built individually for every wall, window, signs etc
In the image above for gunmakers arms the entrance was built using several separate sections and built stage by stage.

Once every component was made, I could then build the required structure as a single object., building or house that then became one main component to use in one of the three streets
Plan of front facing houses in Shadwell Street

Structure built and completed and ready to use in Shadwell Street

Example of shoeshine boy I used
Create the street and build in every building, house and objects (a small number of individual objects I downloaded from 3d trimble but over 95% were created by myself)

Each scene has a separate video, with pulled together using final cut pro to create the final video. I was planning on using audio but in the end I did not like how it sounded. Getting a bit to close to home movie territory rather than informative.

Software used:
Live Home 3d - Build Objects and buildings
Affinity Photo - Create individual components
Final Cut Pro - Video
Palette FM - black and white to colour
Vecteezy - Chimney Smoke (free license)
3d trimble